Instead of looking at palisade fencing as a prison-like form of security, look at it in terms of what Topfence has done throughout the Western Cape to make palisade fencing stylish and attractive, an example of which can be seen in this photo below.
Palisade fencing designed and manufactured by Topfence is created to be an extension of your property, one that matches the trims and colours perfectly to add aesthetically appealing security, which also adds resale value to your property into the bargain.
We take pride in our properties in terms of the exterior and invest in landscaping to make the property, whether residential or commercial, look attractive and to add curb appeal that always does you well should you wish to sell some time in the future!
Buyers today are looking for properties that are already secured with palisade fencing, as high walls are no longer enough to keep criminal elements at bay, which makes Topfence Palisade Fencing your best choice for a stylish, long-term investment that’ll give you great returns.
The main reason people want to by properties secured with palisade fencing, or rigid mesh fencing, is that palisade fencing gives criminals no foothold to climb, they can’t cut it nor can they hide anywhere even if they do manage to risk climbing it!
Violent home invasions are on the increase, and, nothing gives these criminal gangs more of an opportunity to get onto your property and lie in wait for you, or to attack while you’re at home, than a high wall does.
Once they’re on your property they can make you turn alarms off and do exactly as they please, without being seen from outside your property.
Topfence has made it their business to keep families and properties safe since 2008, and, they make sure that this perimeter security isn’t only the toughest around, but also the most attractive available on the market!
In light of the fact that no security patrol is allowed to climb a wall to find out why an alarm is going off, this renders your alarm useless. All the armed response can do is to hope to catch any criminal as they leave the property, if there are even criminals there.
CCTV security cameras are far more effective with a clear line of sight to the exterior of your property through a palisade fence, which isn’t the case with high walls, due to the fact that there will inevitably be a blind spot savvy criminals know exactly how to use to enter your property.
The commitment at Topfence has always been to manufacture their unique palisade fencing system with an eye to making your property attractive to the outside world, but unappealing to any would-be criminal in search of a soft target.
Combining great looks with durability in their palisade fencing and rigid mesh fencing has made Topfence the #1 fencing contractor in and around Cape Town, and their reputation remains as great as ever, no matter how many fencing solutions they provide for Capetonians!
The design and manufacture of Topfence Palisade Fencing is such that it is uniquely able to withstand the coastal weather, without sagging or rusting, which means you get a fence that will look great and be a highly effective crime barrier, a balance few others have achieved in the industry.
Make your property unattractive to criminals, but stylish and attractive in terms of curb appeal by contacting the friendly team at Topfence today for a free, no-obligation quote!